METAL-TECH’s highly trained professionals guarantee reliability, quality and value to their customers

Tungsten and tungsten carbide powders are manufactured in a controlled system according to ISO 9001 and are used in the manufacturing of heavy metals, cutting tools, work tool radiation protection panels, light bulbs, wear parts and many other defense and aeronautic related products.

Customers may sell their scrap directly to Metal-Tech, or retain ownership of the powder that Metal-Tech's recycling process recovers. Metal-tech's team of technical experts will work closely with customers to ensure that the recovered products meet their individual specifications
At Metal Tech we consider sustainability to be an integral part of all activities and decision making, and as such, are committed to implement our own sustainable practices whilst sharing these principles with business partners to help foster a wider value chain set of ethics.
“Lead Innovation”, top notch production equipment
and highly qualified R&D professionals
enable METAL-TECH to meet the numerous
requirements with tailor made products
METAL-TECH is fully committed to its customers
and guarantees highest quality,
consistency and reliable delivery scheduling of products